get the job done, then he rises to it and swishes a spectacular path through the world so that all may behold how he maintains SPECIFICALLY the part of him most attacked. The balanced personality can wait; the male mannerisms can be held in the background for awhile yet those things are not under attack and their defense is not demanded by the order of the moment. First, and rightly, he will overcome the specific lie by exaggerating specifically those natural elements of his wholeness which he has been told are unnatural. Those elements must be defended first, and only after that battle, is won will any next step be in order.
Meanwhile, he has this moment's work to do and he will do it specifically and courageously. The precise demand may be that he champions the feminine personality and mannerisms; it may be that he is to develop his warmth and intimacy of touch with his fellow men; it may be that he is to overcome burdens of distaste; it may be that he is to be generative and inspirational toward all others; it may be that he is to prove his ability to be yielding and all-accepting in the arms of someone who desires this of him; it may be that he must prove the superiority of gentleness to hostility. Whatever his specific compulsion may be, he will rise to it and dare to exhibit that part he discovers in himself which the world would have him kill, but he, Let any other kill it who can; then the guilt will be the killer's himself, will refuse to kill any part of life and he will, above all, be true to every compulsion that leads towards his own ideal.
Now and again a little Jim will win. He will find, somewhere along the way, that he has shown what the Ideal has compelled him to show and he is still alive and healthy and happy. It is time, then, to drop the once required exaggeration and return to the point of balance. Now all the male and all the female elements are at his disposal, and he can be his whole, balanced self in full command of whatever he needs from that wholeness to meet the needs along his path. No longer must he defend any specific part, fearing that it could be taken from him or discouraged away. He has proved his courage, his wonderful manhood and his wonderful womanhood, and it only remains now for him to enjoy the fullness of being all that he is -and to use all that he is wholeheartedly.
But you, who would condemn his methods . . . are you first being sure that you have even entered the path toward completion and wholeness? Are you still lost among the world, believing yourself to be only a halfthing, either male or female, and content to remain in so limited a state of consciousness? Man, do you so hate woman that you do not yet long to be all that woman is? . . . and woman, do you so hate man that you do not yet long to be all that man is? Then be patient. The longing for individual completeness will come when you are ready. And until then, be wise enough and kind enough not to oppose its champions. Let them do the work that is too" dirty" for you the work you have not yet found courage to do. They will pave your way for you.
Little Jim, to you we owe a wondrous respect and gratitude. You have chosen to walk alone, as you know you must, but can you accept some encouragement from these words wishing you Godspeed? And can you see your goal drawing near when this reminder is heard: "When that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away."
NOTE: To those who use terms like "Neurotic Compulsion," so that they may discuss phenomena which they do not understand and even have a name for their misunderstanding, this article is respectfully submitted. If you have ever been accused of such a "compulsion" you may, after reading these words, simply not give a damn. If you have ever been the accuser your problem is more serious . . . but there is hope, even for one who has behaved so criminally as to accuse a brother man.